Sunday 9 August 2015

July Favourites // 2015

This month's favourites is quite short, as I've been so busy towards the end of school that I haven't had chance to try out any new products, but here's a few things I've enjoyed.

Sorry about how short this post is, I didn't have many favourites and I've been really busy but I still wanted to get something up!

I've had the Wish app downloaded for quite a while, but never really bought much. This month I ordered a foundation brush, and it's really good. I much prefer it over my Real Techniques brush and I'm actually considering buying a few more.

Free Prints is another app, and it lets you order photos to be printed straight from your phone for an amazing price. I got about 30 more photos for my wall and it cost me about £1.50.

I don't go to IKEA very often, as it's a 45 minute drive and I rarely need anything. But I went to pick up some drawers, and got a few other nice little decorations for my room for a really good price.

What have you been loving this month?

1 comment:

  1. That freeprints app looks so useful! I usually order my photos from Apple, and they take quite a while.
